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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |22-05-2024

1.SHED (VERB): (मुक्त करना): dismiss

Synonyms: let go, discharge

Antonyms: hire

Example Sentence:

Many firms use relocation as an opportunity to shed jobs.

2.HYPOTHETICAL (ADJECTIVE): (प्राक्कल्पनात्मक): theoretical

Synonyms: speculative, conjectured

Antonyms: real

Example Sentence:

He brought up a hypothetical case to make his point.

3.ABEYANCE (NOUN): (निलम्बन): suspension

Synonyms: suspense, remission

Antonyms: in hand

Example Sentence:

Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.

4.ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): despotic

Synonyms: tyrannical, peremptory

Antonyms: democratic

Example Sentence:

India is not a country under arbitrary government.

5.SUSTAIN (VERB): (आराम पहुंचाना): comfort

Synonyms: help assist

Antonyms: torment

Example Sentence:

A thought had sustained him throughout the years.

6.DISTRESS (NOUN): (विपत्ति): anguish

Synonyms: suffering, pain

Antonyms: happiness

Example Sentence:

To his distress he saw that he was sad.

7.CONSISTENCY (NOUN): (स्थिरता): steadiness

Synonyms: stability constancy

Antonyms: inconsistency

Example Sentence:

The consistency of the measurement techniques is very essential.

8. IMPRUDENT (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्ख): unwise

Synonyms: injudicious, incautious

Antonyms: prudent

Example Sentence:

It would be imprudent to leave her behind.

9.SIMULATE (VERB): (ढोंग करना): feign

Synonyms: pretend, fake

Antonyms: genuine

Example Sentence:

It was impossible to force a smile, to simulate pleasure.

10.EPITOMISE (VERB): (संक्षिप्त करना): summarize

Synonyms: abstract, precise

Antonyms: elaborate

Example Sentence:

For the benefit of our readers, we will epitomize the pamphlet
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⛳️ The  Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |24-05-2024

1.SEVER (VERB): (क्रम तोड़ना): break off

Synonyms: discontinue, suspend

Antonyms: maintain

Example Sentence:

The notice itself may be sufficient to sever the joint tenancy.

2.TACTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (गणित): calculated

Synonyms: planned, plotted

Antonyms: unwise

Example Sentence:

In a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel with her daughters.

3.DISENGAGEMENT (NOUN): (मुक्ति): disconnection

Synonyms: detachment, separation

Antonyms: attachment

Example Sentence:

Differences lie in the way in which individuals choose moral disengagement.

4.COMMERCIAL (ADJECTIVE): (लाभप्रद): lucrative

Synonyms: moneymaking, profitable

Antonyms: loss-making

Example Sentence:

Their work is too commercial.

5. RETREAT (VERB): (वापस लेना): withdraw

Synonyms: retire, draw back

Antonyms: advance

Example Sentence:

The army must retreat and the order to do so must be given.

6. INITIAL (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): ratify

Synonyms: accept, approve

Antonyms: reject

Example Sentence:

Greece and the United States initialed a new defense cooperation agreement.

7.DEDICATED (ADJECTIVE): (समर्पित): committed

Synonyms: devoted, staunch

Antonyms: indifferent

Example Sentence:

He leads a team of dedicated doctors.

8.GALVANIZE (VERB) (झटका देना): jolt

Synonyms: shock, startle

Antonyms: demotivate

Example Sentence:

The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.

9. ILLICIT (ADJECTIVE): (अवैध): illegal

Synonyms: unlawful, illegitimate

Antonyms: licit

Example Sentence:

She slipped outside for an illicit cigarette.

10. EFFICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रभावोत्पादक): effective

Synonyms: successful, effectual

Antonyms: inefficacious

Example Sentence:

This treatment was efficacious in some cases
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |25-05-2024

1.SWEEPING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): extensive

Synonyms: wide-ranging, global

Antonyms: narrow

Example Sentence:

We cannot recommend any sweeping alterations.

2. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमानी): wisdom

Synonyms: judgement, sagacity

Antonyms: folly

Example Sentence:

We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.

3.MISLAY(VERB):(गंवाना): lose

Synonyms: misplace, lose track of

Antonyms: find

Example Sentence:

I seem to have mislaid my car keys.

4.MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre

Synonyms: scanty, sparse

Antonyms: abundant

Example Sentence:

His parents were poor and he received a meagre education.

5.RIVETED (VERB): (मोहित करना): fascinate

Synonyms: engross, grip

Antonyms: bore

Example Sentence:

He was riveted by the newsreels shown on television.

6. SUBDUED (ADJECTIVE): (विषादपूर्ण): somber

Synonyms: low-spirited, downcast

Antonyms: lively

Example Sentence:

I felt strangely subdued as I drove home.

7.AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence

Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity

Antonyms: unambiguousness transparency

Example Sentence:

We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.

8.BAR (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit

Synonyms: debar, preclude

Antonyms: admit

Example Sentence:

She is barred from leaving the country.

9. EXHILARATION (NOUN): (आनंद): elation

Synonyms: euphoria, exultation

Antonyms: dejection

Example Sentence:

They felt the exhilaration of victory.

10.GREGARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सुसामाजिक): sociable

Synonyms: social, companionable

Antonyms: unsociable

Example Sentence:

He was a popular and gregarious man.
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |27-05-2024

1. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional

Synonyms: temporary, pro tem

Antonyms: permanent

Example Sentence:

An interim arrangement was made.

2. COMPETITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वाजिब): reasonable

Synonyms: moderate, economical

Antonyms: exorbitant

Example Sentence:

We offer prompt service at competitive rates.

3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement

Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding

Antonyms: provocation

Example Sentence:

He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.

4. ALARMING (ADJECTIVE): (डरावना): worrying

Synonyms: disturbing, frightening

Antonyms: reassuring

Example Sentence:

Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.

5.DEFIANCE (NOUN): (प्रतिरोध): resistance

Synonyms: opposition, confrontation

Antonyms: submission

Example Sentence:

There was challenge and defiance in her gaze.

6.SHRUG (VERB): (उपेक्षा): disregard

Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of

Antonyms: heed

Example Sentence:

The managing director shrugged off the criticism.

7.WHIP(VERB): (भागना): dash

Synonyms: rush, race

Antonyms: dawdle

Example Sentence:

He whipped round to face them.

8.STALL (VERB): (बाधा डालना): obstruct

Synonyms: impede, hinder

Antonyms: facilitate

Example Sentence:

His career had stalled, hers taken off.

9.SHUN (VERB): (बचना): avoid

Synonyms: evade, eschew

Antonyms: accept

Example Sentence:

He shunned fashionable society.

10.DEFER (VERB): (झुक जाना): yield

Synonyms: submit, give way

Antonyms: stand up to, disobey

Example Sentence:

He deferred to Tim's superior knowledge.
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |28-05-2024

1. RESTITUTION (NOUN): (वापसी): return

Synonyms: restoration, replacement

Antonyms: seizure

Example Sentence:

The ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from black people.

2. DEVASTATING (ADJECTIVE): (विध्वंसकारक): devastating

Synonyms: ruinous, disastrous

Antonyms: non-violent

Example Sentence:

The power of weapons is very destructive.

3. RESOLVE (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): determination

Synonyms: resolution, purpose

Antonyms: indecision

Example Sentence:

He received information that strengthened her resolve.

4. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चौंकानेवाला): shocking

Synonyms: appalling, horrific

Antonyms: marvellous

Example Sentence:

Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

5. AVOIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (परिहार्य): preventable

Synonyms: needless, unnecessary

Antonyms: inescapable, inevitable

Example Sentence:

Seems like so much death should be avoidable in this day and age.

6. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding

Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive

Antonyms: low-key

Example Sentence:

He asked an intrusive question.

7. STOCKPILE (VERB): (भंडार लगाना): store up

Synonyms: amass, accumulate

Antonyms: dissipate

Example Sentence:

They stockpiled weapons and ammunition that will last several months.

8. FEROCITY (NOUN): (क्रूरता): savagery

Synonyms: brutality, barbarity

Antonyms: gentleness

Example Sentence:

The ferocity of the storm caught them by surprise.

9. ARDENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): passionate

Synonyms: avid, impassioned

Antonyms: half-hearted

Example Sentence:

I am an ardent admirer of modern art.

10. ASSENT (VERB): (सहमत होना): accept

Synonyms: approve, bless

Antonyms: refuse

Example Sentence:

The Prime Minister assented to the change
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |29-05-2024

1. RUGGED (ADJECTIVE): (टिकाऊ): durable

Synonyms: robust, sturdy

Antonyms: flimsy

Example Sentence:

The binoculars are compact, lightweight, and rugged.

2. INEVITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): unavoidable

Synonyms: inescapable, inexorable

Antonyms: avoidable

Example Sentence:

Jessica drew out the inevitable by taking her time to select her food.

3.REQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (आवश्यक): necessary

Synonyms: required, prerequisite

Antonyms: optional

Example Sentence:

The application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid.

4. CAPITULATE (VERB): (हथियार डाल देना): surrender

Synonyms: give in, yield

Antonyms: resist

Example Sentence:

The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.

5.EMBARK (VERB): (प्रारंभ करना): begin

Synonyms: start, commence

Antonyms: end

Example Sentence:

She embarked on a new career.

6.INGENIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (आविष्कारशील): inventive

Synonyms: creative imaginative

Antonyms: unimaginative

Example Sentence:

He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget.

7. INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade

Synonyms: convince, get

Antonyms: dissuade

Example Sentence:

The pickets induced many workers to stay away.

8.TURMOIL (NOUN): (अशांति) :confusion

Synonyms: turbulence, tumult

Antonyms: calm

Example Sentence:

There was turmoil in her pale blue eyes.

9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली): slight

Synonyms: small, tiny

Antonyms: vast

Example Sentence:

It made only a marginal difference.

10. VARY (VERB): (पृथक होना): differ

Synonyms: range, extend

Antonyms: agree

Example Sentence:

The properties vary in price.
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |30-05-2024

1. ANTIPATHY (NOUN): (विरोधभाव): hostility

Synonyms: antagonism, animosity

Antonyms: liking

Example Sentence:

He certainly had antipathy to capitalism.

2.OSTRACISE (VERB): (अलग करना): exclude

Synonyms: shun, spurn

Antonyms: welcome

Example Sentence:

She was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers.

3.POISED (ADJECTIVE): (शांतचित्त): self-possessed

Synonyms: self-assured, composed

Antonyms: excited

Example Sentence:

Not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed.

4.EQUILIBRIUM (NOUN): (शांति): calm

Synonyms: calmness, composure

Antonyms: agitation

Example Sentence:

His intense behavior could unsettle his equilibrium.

5.CAPITULATE (VERB): (आत्मसमर्पण करना): surrender

Synonyms: give in, yield

Antonyms: resist

Example Sentence:

The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.

6.DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार): careful

Synonyms: cautious, unhurried

Antonyms: hasty

Example Sentence:

I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.

7.DISSENT (NOUN): (असहमति): disagreement

Synonyms: dispute, argument

Antonyms: agreement

Example Sentence:

There was no dissent from this view.

8.VIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (करणीय): workable

Synonyms: feasible, practicable

Antonyms: impracticable

Example Sentence:

The investment was economically viable.

9.INHIBIT (VERB): (रोकना): impede

Synonyms: hinder, hamper

Antonyms: assist

Example Sentence:

Cold inhibits plant growth.

10.BOAST (VERB): (डींग मारना): brag

Synonyms: crow, swagger

Antonyms: deprecate

Example Sentence:

She boasted about her many conquests
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |31-05-2024

1. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): gruesome

Synonyms: grisly grim

Antonyms: pleasant

Example Sentence:

A macabre series of murders shocked us.

2.CREDIBILITY (NOUN) (विश्वसनीयता): plausibility

Synonyms: believability, acceptability

Antonyms: implausibility

Example Sentence:

The book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility.

3.PURSUE (VERB): (संचालित करना): conduct

Synonyms: undertake, follow

Antonyms: give up

Example Sentence:

We shall not pursue the matter any further.

4.VIRTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (न्याय परायण): righteous

Synonyms: good, moral

Antonyms: bad

Example Sentence:

He considered himself very virtuous because he neither drank nor smoked.

5.DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish

Synonyms: decrease, reduce

Antonyms: increase

Example Sentence:

The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.

6. NEUTRALITY (NOUN): (निष्पक्षता): impartiality

Synonyms: objectivity, fairness

Antonyms: partiality

Example Sentence:

During the war, Switzerland maintained its neutrality.

7.IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion

Synonyms: inference, insinuation

Antonyms: explicit statement

Example Sentence:

The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.

8.INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अंतरिम): provisional

Synonyms: temporary, pro tem

Antonyms: permanent

Example Sentence:

An interim arrangement was made.

9. FLICKER (VERB): (टिमटिमाना): glimmer

Synonyms: glint, gleam

Antonyms: burn steadily

Example Sentence:

The interior lights flickered, and came on.

10. CAPTIVATE (VERB): (मोह लेना): enthrall

Synonyms: charm, enchant

Antonyms: repel

Example Sentence:

He was captivated by her beauty.
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |01-06-2024


1. INCLINE (VERB): (तैयार होना): disposed

Synonyms: minded, willing

Antonyms: disinclined

Example Sentence:

He was inclined to accept the offer.

2.INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack on

Synonyms: assault on, raid on

Antonyms: retreat

Example Sentence:

Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion.

3.FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): impassioned

Synonyms: passionate, intense

Antonyms: apathetic

Example Sentence:

I am a fervent supporter of the revolution.

4.LIBERAL (ADJECTIVE): (उदार): generous

Synonyms: magnanimous, open-handed

Antonyms: miserly

Example Sentence:

Sam was too liberal with the wine.

5.CONVALESCE (VERB): (अच्छा हो जाना): recuperate

Synonyms: recover, improve

Antonyms: deteriorate

Example Sentence:

After your operation, you'll need to convalesce for a week or two.

6.EXTRICATE (VERB): (मुक्त कर देना): extract

Synonyms: free, release

Antonyms: entangle

Example Sentence:

He was trying to extricate himself from official duties.

7.FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): failure

Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe

Antonyms: success

Example Sentence:

His plans turned into a fiasco.

8.ALLY (VERB): (जोड़ना): combine

Synonyms: marry, couple

Antonyms: split

Example Sentence:

He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen.

9.IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion

Synonyms: inference, insinuation

Antonyms: explicit statement

Example Sentence:

The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.

10. SCURRY (NOUN): (हड़बड़ी): rush

Synonyms: race, dash

Antonyms: stroll

Example Sentence:

I was in such a scurry.
2024/06/04 10:41:53
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